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How to Make Paper Mache Masks
By Patricia Jensen

How to make paper mache masks includes easy instructions for a Zulu warrior, mummy mask or ghoul.

Create your own unique masks using these simple paper mache recipes and techniques.

Paper mache masks make great party favors, dress-up accessories, or decorations for a kids jungle party or Halloween party.


One gallon plastic milk jug

Newspaper, torn into 1 inch by 6-8" inch strips

White computer paper or paper towels, torn into strips

Flour and water mixture for paper mache paste


Scissors and Craft Knife

Assorted colors of acrylic paint

Craft feathers (optional)


Prepare Work Surface:

Prepare your work surface with a layer of newspaper you can discard, or an old plastic tablecloth you can wipe clean of goop and glops which are part of this messy project!

Tear several pages of newspaper into strips, approximately 1 inch wide by 6-8 inches long. Don’t try to be neat and cut them with scissors; the torn edges will adhere more closely and give a smoother overall surface to the finished project.


This is our favorite recipe:

Mix one part flour with 5 parts water. Bring to a boil on the stovetop and simmer for 3 minutes. Add a tablespoon or two of salt to help prevent mold. You will have consistency like thick glue. Let cool and pour into a plastic left-over container.

Other Paper Mache Paste Recipe Options:

Recipe #1 - One part flour to two parts water. Squeeze out lumps and add tablespoon or two of salt as mold preventative.

Recipe #2 - 3/4 cup white glue to 1/4 cup water

Recipe #3 - liquid starch found at your supermarket

With a pair of sharp scissors, cut the milk jug in half from top to bottom. You can use the handle side of the jug or the other side, whichever looks like it will produce the most interesting mask. Soak and remove any labels. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Hold the jug half upside down and envision what your paper mache mask warrior will look like. The jug handle will serve as a nose. Using a craft knife, cut eye holes in the jug. You can make them round, triangular, or rectangles.

Use the natural lines, circles or other physical characteristics of your particular jug to enhance the design. We used the round indentations on the milk jug to make big saucer-like eyes on one of the masks pictured here. Use your imagination and have fun!

You can even cut the milk jug down one side, cut each side into 1/2 inch strips and roll them back to create the impressive mask shown here.

Dip a newspaper strip into the flour mixture to coat, and apply it to the milk jug horizontally. Add another strip slightly overlapping the first. Continue this process until the entire jug is covered. Wrap short strips around the eyeholes from front to back of mask. Let the first layer dry completely.

Each layer will take up to 24 hrs. to dry, so cover your leftover flour mixture and place in the refrigerator overnight to prevent spoiling. When you're ready for the next layer, just microwave it for about one minute. This way it's nice and warm to work with!

Apply a second layer to the jug, this time angling the strips in a horizontal direction, and overlapping. This second and final layer should be made from torn strips of white computer paper. This allows for easier paint coverage when it's time to decorate.

Zulu Warrior
Now your paper mache mask is ready to paint and decorate. You may wish to paint a solid layer of one color first, then add details. Rings around the eyes, stripes and spots of different colors will add a wild look to your zulu warrior mask. Craft feathers can be hot glued to the top of the mask to add to the effect.

Mummy Mask
While doing this paper mache project, we discovered that the unpainted mask looks like a real mummy face, complete with the white (computer paper) wrapping! These make great Halloween party decorations!

Prepare jugs with one layer of paper mache, then let kids make their own mummy mask at your Halloween party. To add to the fun, tell them they're using squishy mummy brains to make the mask! The paper mache paste is just the right texture to get kids imaginations in the slimy spirit of Halloween fun!

Alien Mask
The white mask with the large round eyeholes looks very much like the popular "Alien" or "Scream" character.

Ghoul Mask
Another great idea on how to make paper mache masks: Paint the mask totally green for a Halloween ghoul and use along with the mummy masks for Halloween decorations.


We hope you enjoy creating these fun and fearsome paper mache masks for kids parties, dress-up, or Halloween. To see pictures of finished paper mache masks, visit this Paper Mache Mask Craft Page.

Patricia B. Jensen is a mother of three and kids party enthusiast. She is the webmaster and owner of - a complete resource for kids party ideas including invitations, cakes, decorations, games, costumes, favors, and food.  For all the latest party news, read her Kids Party Blog



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