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Not the Usual Halloween Treats!
By Sara Gray

Looking for more creativity in what you serve at your next Halloween party? Tired of buying the same old expensive candy? Then, look no more. Try a couple of these fun Halloween treats and snacks next time you have a bunch of goblins over to celebrate Halloween.

You'll love making these Halloween snacks for your kids and their friends, and they'll love you for it!

Spooky Sandwiches
This is so easy to do, you won't believe it! Just make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on your favorite bread. With a Halloween-themed cookie cutter, press hard into the sandwich and Ta-Da! You have instant spooky sandwiches!

These are a big hit with the kids! You'll be serving witchy sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly pumpkin sandwiches or ghost-wiches.

Black Cat Cheese and Cold Cuts
From your local grocery story, buy some of the packaged cheese, either the kind that you peel the plastic off, or that has the waxy paper in between the slices.

You'll also need cold cuts like ham slices (thin) and bologna.

Next, with a cat-shaped cookie cutter, cut out the shapes in the cheese and cold cuts and arrange them as an appetizer on a Halloween type plate.

You can also use other shapes as well. It's only limited by your own imagination!

Serve little tiny slices of bread with it so people can make their own sandwiches if they prefer.

Creepy Chips
All you need to do is spray a few flour tortillas with canola or vegetable oil. Then, sprinkle parmesan cheese or cinnamon and sugar on each tortilla. Next, cut out spooky shapes out of the oiled tortillas cookie cutters in Halloween shapes (pumpkin, bat, ghost, witch, etc.)

Finally, place the cut outs of the tortillas on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees F until crispy. The kids will love them!

For a variation, if you use a pumpkin shaped cookie cutter, use candy to make the pumpkin face on the sandwich. This is almost like making a cookie!


Witchy Fingers
In your local grocery store, find a loaf of pre-made bread dough in the freezer section. Take small hunks of it and stretch into a finger shape - make sure you make a big knuckle in the middle of it. You can do that by putting another piece of dough on the stretched out piece and shape it into a knobby-looking knuckle.

Then, take a whole almond and press it into the end of the "finger" dough to make a creepy looking fingernail.

Bake the "fingers" according to the instructions on the packaging for the pre-made bread dough.

To make the fingers look even more spooky, "paint" the dough before you bake it with gray, green or black food coloring. Kids will love helping you make these and love eating them even more!

Have a happy Halloween!

Sara Gray is an avid lover of appetizers and has created a great website called Easy Appetizer Recipes where you can find delicious ideas for all kinds of hot and cold appetizers, raclette grilling, tapas small plates, snacks, chips and dip ideas, and appetizer soups.



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